David' suffering takes on greater depth as Jesus identifies literally with the way David describes his suffering in metaphorical language. Whatever was happening to him, we know Jesus used David's…
In this passage God commanded the king of Israel when he takes 'office' that number one on his agenda each day is to write out and read God's Word. Why…
Maintaining a 'things above' attitude will make for healthier relationships. Paul wants to deal with an unhealthy relationship in the church at Philippi and he does it by reminding everyone…
Paul gives leadership to a scared crew of sailors, guards and prisoners as they run aground on the island of Malta. What bolsters Paul's faith as he faces this scary…
As Paul defends his 'case' before Governor Festus and Herod Agrippa, he gives us own testimony, which is how God worked in his life. Our testimonies are God's story in…