Looking at the familiar passage of Gabriel's visit to Mary in Luke 1, Luke helps us to see how Mary is valued by God and that this passage encourages women…
Paul challenges the Corinthians to stop using their differences as measuring tools of their spirituality! It actually revealed their immaturity. Instead, look at the differences in people and celebrate it…
Using his introduction to the Corinthians, Paul illustrates what for him is what a solid biblical church should look like. The Corinthian church was very problematic and so Paul focuses…
Paul continues in vv.7-18 to defend his ministry. He does that by declaring how God changes lives through the Word as he shared it. Paul's 'credentials' are the changed lives…
Paul doesn't thank god for the Christians until he has finished praising God for the blessings of salvation in 1:3-14! How does God's grace shape Paul's praying?
In this chapter Solomon explores more about wealth and worship. He warns those who take worship lightly as a ritual, to be very careful about their bad attitude. He also…
Hosea continues to speak God's words of judgment of their sin but also pleas for Israel's return. In these chapters God mentions some incidents from their past that He compares…
Peter writes about how the Old testament prophets looked carefully in the Scriptures for the sufferings and the glories of Christ. Which we live long after now. They would have…
In this passage God commanded the king of Israel when he takes 'office' that number one on his agenda each day is to write out and read God's Word. Why…