As he closes this section of spiritual gifts, Paul encourages the church to come together in an orderly fashion not a disruptive, whoever-feels-like-speaking fashion. He lays down some sound applicational…
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reminds us again of the need to love God and love one another. In 7:12 Jesus summarizes that we love one another best…
Jesus had taught that the greatest commandments were to love God and love one another. Now He says to love one another in a new way. What's the new way?
As Mary and Joseph follow the law and go to the temple for Jesus' circumcision and pay the redemption price after 40 days of Mary's purification, God arranges for two…
Paul introduces spiritual gifts here, emphasizing their purpose - unity - and distribution - all by the Holy Spirit as He wills. Our gifts are divine abilities when exercised in…
Paul deals with the question about whether it was right for believers to eat sacrificed to idols or not. But Paul explains it's not about who's right or wrong -…
Paul concludes answering questions about marriage in Ch. 7 by answering the question 'Should we get married now that we're Christians?' While Paul commends singleness as a great opportunity to…
Here Paul confronts the problem of sexual immorality in the church - sad state of affairs! Sadly, the culture was so obsessed with sex that new believers were initially unaware…
Paul continues to confront the Corinthians spirituality immaturity in dividing over preferred Bible teachers when these men (Paul, Apollos, Peter) were united in Christ at their service! When we serve…