Where do the New testament books fit chronologically with the Book of Acts? This study aims to help the reader get a better feel for where and how the New…
The Pasalmist prays that God would open our eyes to know His Word more. It doesn't magically happen just because we open His Word. There needs to be a desire…
The Old Testament is crucial to affirming the validity of the New Testament - that's how God's Word works. Jesus fulfilled the Mosaic Law (not the Old Testament) and we…
Jesus rebuked His disciples who tried to shoo away the children whose parents wanted to come to Jesus. Jesus believed in training up disciples as early as possible. This passage…
Jesus challenges the people to obey all the Word of God and have a righteousness that surpasses the Pharisees? The people had been misled for many years by the Pharisees…
These two disciples of Jesus were disappointed and heading home before they found out Jesus had risen! Sadly, the followers of Jesus didn't take Him at His Word and when…
Daniel was given a revelation of the time of Jesus' appearance on earth by none other than the same Gabriel that would appear to Zecharias, Mary and Joseph! God gave…