Early in His ministry Jesus preaches a message in His hometown of Nazareth where He declares that the the favourable year of the Lord has arrived through Himself as prophesied…
Paul gives one more argument against Law-keeping by using Hagar/Ishamel and Sarah/Isaac as an illustration of why a performance-based, Law-keeping way to get to God doesn't work. Even Abraham and…
Paul explains that he no longer saw people as an unsaved person but since he became a new creation, he sees people as unique creations, ambassadors, righteous and His servants
Paul has been appealing to the Galatians not to go back to keeping the Law using biblical, logical and theological arguments. Now he appeals to their hearts. He reminds them…
Paul continues to express his frustration with those believers in Galatia who were talked into trying to obey the Law again. He explains that God's plan has always been salvation…
Paul begins his letter to the Galatians with a rebuke; why are they changing the grace of God for legalism. There is always the danger to 'add' to the gospel…
This short psalm is a command for the Gentiles to praise God. But the Gentiles will only learn to praise God if God's people are living in appreciation of God's…
Jesus heals a man born blind (John 9) which results in the unhappiness of the religious leaders. Jesus accuses them of being thieves and wolves who rob the sheep of…