Paul deals with a sad incident in the church and 'judges' them for their lack of biblical confrontation in love. Biblical judging is necessary at times when the testimony of…
Paul finishes confronting the main issue of division in the church; preferences of teachers. Paul confronts their judgmental attitudes and we can learn from this also.
Paul continues to confront the Corinthians spirituality immaturity in dividing over preferred Bible teachers when these men (Paul, Apollos, Peter) were united in Christ at their service! When we serve…
Paul challenges the Corinthians to stop using their differences as measuring tools of their spirituality! It actually revealed their immaturity. Instead, look at the differences in people and celebrate it…
Paul has to defend his authority to preach the gospel because false teachers claiming to have similar authority have infiltrated the Corinthian church. How did Paul defend himself against false…
In this passage God commanded the king of Israel when he takes 'office' that number one on his agenda each day is to write out and read God's Word. Why…
Maintaining a 'things above' attitude will make for healthier relationships. Paul wants to deal with an unhealthy relationship in the church at Philippi and he does it by reminding everyone…