In the second half of Ps. 22, David turns from crying out to god for deliverance to thanking guide for answering his prayer and vowing to worship Gpd with God's…
In this passage God commanded the king of Israel when he takes 'office' that number one on his agenda each day is to write out and read God's Word. Why…
Paul was on trial now with Governor Felix. Felix's unwillingness to truly listen to Paul's defense and was more inclined to humour the Jews. But God oversaw Paul's life and…
God prepares the Israelites to enter the Promised Land by assuring them that He will go ahead of them and guide them because 'you have never been this way before'…
'The Prodigal Son' is a misnomer. The parable is about their father. How the father lovingly forgives BOTH sons for their rebellion. One asks forgiveness but does the other? And…
The early church faces its first real crisis as Jewish Pahrisaic backgrounded new believers struggle with gentiles becoming 'children of God' without becoming Jewish first. Thankfully with good interaction and…
Our theme this year is 'Citizens of Heaven'. This morning we look at Abraham living as an alien and stranger in the land of Canaan, where God said it would…
Paul and Barnabas move inland and use the Jewish synagogues as their landing pad to preach the gospel - with mixed reception. However, some believe and we learn what to…