In this well-known chapter on love, Paul tackles the attitude one must have when using our spiritual gifts. Do we use the to impress people or serve people? There's a…
Jesus had taught that the greatest commandments were to love God and love one another. Now He says to love one another in a new way. What's the new way?
Jesus used the parable of the Good Samaritan to illustrate for a religious leader what loving God and your neighbour looks like. He thought he did love God because he…
Jesus quotes Lev. 19 as part of the greatest commandment. Here we see both loving god and loving others. Let's explore what this passage means and how Jesus wants us…
When asked what the greatest commandment was Jesus quoted Deut. 6 and Lev. 19. Deut. 6:4-5 is what every Jewish person knows is the Shema. How do we love God…
Paul deals with the question about whether it was right for believers to eat sacrificed to idols or not. But Paul explains it's not about who's right or wrong -…
Paul now addresses questions the Corinthian church had for him. Not surprisingly, they had questions about marriage. Paul challenges them to think about marriage as a gift from God but…
Here Paul confronts the problem of sexual immorality in the church - sad state of affairs! Sadly, the culture was so obsessed with sex that new believers were initially unaware…
In Abraham;s willingness to sacrifice Isaac, we see ahead to Jesus' willingness to be our sacrifice for our sins. Abraham's faith has come to a high point where he trusts…