When we read all 4 gospels we see an amazingly calm scene on resurrection morning. Not chaotic. Clothes are folded. Stone is rolled away. Angel sits and waits. God was…
Paul concludes his last letter with a desire to see people and encourage those he knows to finish well as he did. How do we finish well ourselves? When we…
As Joseph and Mary arrive in Bethlehem, she gives birth to Jesus and God speaks to the shepherds who understand the implications of the surroundings of Jesus' birth better than…
Jesus stands at the finish line waiting for us to finish 'the race set before us'. That's encouraging! He knows we'll finish but He also cheers us on through the…
Jesus encounters the Samaritan woman at the well and shows the disciples that the people we least expect are interested in God and Jesus. We need to believe the same…
Jesus heals a man born blind (John 9) which results in the unhappiness of the religious leaders. Jesus accuses them of being thieves and wolves who rob the sheep of…
As we continue to study "eternal life", we understand it is God's presence in us now, saving us for an eternal existence with Him when we leave earth. For now…