Jeremiah writes a letter to Jewish exiles who have to live in Babylon for 70 years ( a lifetime). How is this part of God's 'prosperous and future' plans for…
Paul has (what he thinks) are his final words to the Ephesian leaders. Pau believes he will die soon and the Ephesians get that. It's a tearful farewell and Paul…
While at first glance Acts 20:1-16 looks little more than a list of places Paul served at and names he worked with, it really shows the concern Paul had for…
The early church faces its first real crisis as Jewish Pahrisaic backgrounded new believers struggle with gentiles becoming 'children of God' without becoming Jewish first. Thankfully with good interaction and…
In this very familiar passage we often overlook one of the most astounding things that happened at the birth of Jesus. That the glory of God returned. Where had it…
There's a good reason Herod isn't found in our Nativity sets! Yet, he is part of the birth narrative of Jesus Christ. Jesus wasn't born in a perfect world and…
The book of Nahum is a small, not well known book in the prophets that deals with judgment against the Assyrians. God graciously sent Jonah to preach repentance to the…
Solomon pursues the meaning of life in Ecclesiastes. When he looks at life "under the sun" he doesn't see purpose but when he looks at life from god's perspective he…
Peter and John heal a man who was lame since birth. The miracles attracts a crowd in the temple courts but instead of healing more people, Peter uses the miracle…
What happened as the result of Peter's Pentecost sermon? 3000 souls were added to the church and they grew. How? How did they now what to do? Listen to what…