The angel announces to the shepherds that a 'Saviour' has been born for them and they should go see this for themselves. Why do we need a Saviour? What do…
Solomon concludes his letter with his final observation about life under the sun; live 'above the sun'. Fear God, keep His commandments and believe by faith this will result in…
Here Solomon commends once again for us to enjoy life - even when we live under an oppressive government (who doesn't) and even when we are experiencing injustice (someone always…
In this chapter Solomon explores more about wealth and worship. He warns those who take worship lightly as a ritual, to be very careful about their bad attitude. He also…
Solomon looks for meaning 'under the sun' in many good pursuits as well as some unhealthy choices - even though the world says you can be happy that way. Does…
Peter writes about how the Old testament prophets looked carefully in the Scriptures for the sufferings and the glories of Christ. Which we live long after now. They would have…
Jeremiah writes a letter to Jewish exiles who have to live in Babylon for 70 years ( a lifetime). How is this part of God's 'prosperous and future' plans for…