Zephaniah concludes his brief prophecy to turn to God's joy when the remnant of Israel will turn to Him the future and join believers from all the nations to come…
Jesus heals a man born blind (John 9) which results in the unhappiness of the religious leaders. Jesus accuses them of being thieves and wolves who rob the sheep of…
While we've been looking at the examples that Jesus left for us, as humans, to do what He did, Jesus also came because of things we can not do. Hebrews…
Jesus wraps up His message from the mountain by calling His readers and listeners to make a choice; what he had to say (backed by God's Word) or what the…
Jesus continues to 'bless' His hearers by showing them God wants to bless them according to their heart condition not the externals, which is what the Pharisees taught the people…