Is. 9:6-7 cannot be understood outside its context. When we understand why 'Zebulan and Naphtali' is such a strange place for light to come from (see Ch.'s7-8) only then do…
Luke 1:37 is often quoted for many situations "With God nothing is impossible". But this verse says more than we think in the context in which it was said by…
Paul continues to defend the gospel and his apostleship by showing the Galatians that he received it from Jesus and not from man. He spent very little time with the…
Paul begins his letter to the Galatians with a rebuke; why are they changing the grace of God for legalism. There is always the danger to 'add' to the gospel…
What does it mean to 'pray in Jesus' Name'? Does that guarantee that God will answer our prayers? When we understand the context of John 15:12-17 we find that Jesus…
Zephaniah concludes his brief prophecy to turn to God's joy when the remnant of Israel will turn to Him the future and join believers from all the nations to come…
Jesus heals a man born blind (John 9) which results in the unhappiness of the religious leaders. Jesus accuses them of being thieves and wolves who rob the sheep of…