The book of Nahum is a small, not well known book in the prophets that deals with judgment against the Assyrians. God graciously sent Jonah to preach repentance to the…
The historical feast of Tabernacles focuses on Israel's end of harvest season celebration and reflection on God's provision during the 40 years in the wilderness. Prophetically, Tabernacles points forward to…
This year we are following the biblical Feasts of Israel as they occur on the calendar. The spring Feasts foreshadowed Jesus' first coming and we will see that the Fall…
As Paul begins his life as a believer, the same zeal he had against Christians now becomes for Christ. Paul still has 'baggage' and is not readily accepted. However, once…
Stephen is arrested and falsely charged with wanting the temple destroyed and changing Moses' laws. Ironically, Stephen explains using Scripture that God has always been worshipped in many places other…
Pentecost, was a holiday Israel celebrated after they counted 50 days from First Fruits. First Fruits was the holiday you brought the first sign of your harvest to God as…
Peter and John heal a man who was lame since birth. The miracles attracts a crowd in the temple courts but instead of healing more people, Peter uses the miracle…
What happened as the result of Peter's Pentecost sermon? 3000 souls were added to the church and they grew. How? How did they now what to do? Listen to what…
After Peter and the apostles spoke the gospel through the Spirit's enabling them to speak languages they had never spoke before, people asked what did it mean? Now Peter explains…