Throughout Ecclesiastes Solomon encourages us to 'fear the Lord'. What does it mean? And how does fearing God (positive) differ from being afraid of God (negative)? Let's explore the Scriptures…
While Solomon can only find a 'better' solution to some of life's problems "under the sun", we know from the books whole context that there is an "above the sun"…
Solomon ponders time and God's control over it. He states life is a gift from God and not to waste it. Even though we can't "fathom" what God is doing…
Solomon looks for meaning 'under the sun' in many good pursuits as well as some unhealthy choices - even though the world says you can be happy that way. Does…
Solomon writes from a time in his life where he looked at life without God's perspective. What can satisfy us on earth? Why do we never get ahead? Why are…
Hosea continues to speak God's words of judgment of their sin but also pleas for Israel's return. In these chapters God mentions some incidents from their past that He compares…
Parenting is difficult but since children are a gift from God, God equips us to help them know who he is and His Son Jesus. Raising children is an eternal…
In the second half of Ps. 22, David turns from crying out to god for deliverance to thanking guide for answering his prayer and vowing to worship Gpd with God's…