Jesus explains to His disciples that God is in the process of preparing hearts to receive His Son even when we don't see His preparation work. As the Samaritans approach…
As Joseph and Mary arrive in Bethlehem, she gives birth to Jesus and God speaks to the shepherds who understand the implications of the surroundings of Jesus' birth better than…
As we trace the events in Bethlehem recorded in the Scripture, we find Bethlehem becomes a place of hope. Hope for the nation of Israel as their choice of king…
Micah concludes his message repenting on behalf of the nation. He confesses the sins of the leaders but also grabs hold of the hope Israel has even after exile because…
Micah moves from judgment to hope in Ch. 4. God never announces judgment without offering hope. While temporary discipline will take place, ultimately God has a plan to bless those…
Early in His ministry Jesus preaches a message in His hometown of Nazareth where He declares that the the favourable year of the Lord has arrived through Himself as prophesied…
Paul concludes his epistle to the Galatian churches with one final appeal to follow the gospel of grace and not go back to the Law. He appeals to them by…
Paul gives one more attempt to rescue his readers from going back to the Law - a performance-based system of approaching God that no longer was necessary because of Jesus'…
Psalm 110 is unique in that it is a prophetic psalm about the coming of the Messiah. On Palm Sunday Jesus arrived with great expectation, the people anticipating that he…
These two psalms form an amazing lament and prayer by the author who was going through a calamity, praying for God to 'restore things to normal'. What a timely message…