As he closes this section of spiritual gifts, Paul encourages the church to come together in an orderly fashion not a disruptive, whoever-feels-like-speaking fashion. He lays down some sound applicational…
Paul continues to show the benefits of prophesying over tongues for the simple and obvious reason that one is understandable. But the other is more 'exciting'. The Corinthians had a…
Jesus quotes Lev. 19 as part of the greatest commandment. Here we see both loving god and loving others. Let's explore what this passage means and how Jesus wants us…
Paul teaches about communion in the context of the early church's communal 'potluck' supper, which served as an opportunity to not just have communion together but for the poorer members…
Here Paul wraps up his teaching on how to navigate through the grey areas in our Christian walk. He uses communion as an illustration about who we identify with. God…
Paul shows how he gave up his right to be supported financially so that he might not cause someone to stumble. He made sure the church could focus on the…
Paul deals with the question about whether it was right for believers to eat sacrificed to idols or not. But Paul explains it's not about who's right or wrong -…
Paul now addresses questions the Corinthian church had for him. Not surprisingly, they had questions about marriage. Paul challenges them to think about marriage as a gift from God but…
Paul addresses another problem in the church; believers taking other believers to court. While we're not told the issues, the reality is, one believer feels they are right and another…