Jesus uses the analogy of a vine and a branches to describe His closeness to His followers. But He also chose that to help them understand that without 'remaining' in…
With Judas gone Jesus can share things with His disciples that He couldn't say with judas present. The disciples are 'troubled' by Jesus' statement that one will betray Him and…
In Acts 11 Peter recounts his time spent with Cornelius, the Gentile Centurion, who came to faith in Christ. As Peter explains how God led him through this, the church…
Peter describes believers as aliens and strangers in 1 Pet. 2:11-12. What does he mean by that? From God's perspective, as citizens of heaven, we no longer 'belong' here yet…
In this very familiar passage we often overlook one of the most astounding things that happened at the birth of Jesus. That the glory of God returned. Where had it…
Barnabas and Ananias and Sapphira, display two approaches to serving God. The former for God, the latter for themselves. What do we lose when we want to serve God only…
What happened as the result of Peter's Pentecost sermon? 3000 souls were added to the church and they grew. How? How did they now what to do? Listen to what…
In this passage Nehemiah needs great wisdom and understanding how to unite God's people to the task of rebuilding the gates and walls of Jerusalem. These walls have sat for…