As he closes this section of spiritual gifts, Paul encourages the church to come together in an orderly fashion not a disruptive, whoever-feels-like-speaking fashion. He lays down some sound applicational…
Paul challenges the Corinthians to pursue the spiritual gifts that benefit more people - in this case prophecy more than tongues. With the eventual disappearance of the role of prophets…
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reminds us again of the need to love God and love one another. In 7:12 Jesus summarizes that we love one another best…
As Mary and Joseph follow the law and go to the temple for Jesus' circumcision and pay the redemption price after 40 days of Mary's purification, God arranges for two…
Paul doesn't thank god for the Christians until he has finished praising God for the blessings of salvation in 1:3-14! How does God's grace shape Paul's praying?
King Jehoshaphat of the Kingdom of Judah was under attack by 3 foreign countries. He prayed for God to do something because he didn't know what to do (v.12). Jehoshaphat…
Solomon writes from a time in his life where he looked at life without God's perspective. What can satisfy us on earth? Why do we never get ahead? Why are…