Why was Jesus born in Bethlehem? For many reasons as we'll see during Advent. The first three times Bethlehem appears in the Bible, a tragedy occurs there. Why is this…
Here in Micah 6 God confronts the nation as a court case. The charges of sin against His covenant are laid, the evidence produced and a judgment is announced. Perhaps…
Paul commands disciples of Jesus to think above things not below; to live the changed life not the way we used to walk before salvation. Four times in vv.15-17 Paul…
Jesus encounters the Samaritan woman at the well and shows the disciples that the people we least expect are interested in God and Jesus. We need to believe the same…
This Psalm has often been used as God's promise to prevent harm from happening to us. Is that what it really says? Let's explore Scripture together and find out
Paul begins his letter to the Galatians with a rebuke; why are they changing the grace of God for legalism. There is always the danger to 'add' to the gospel…
The book of Zephaniah contains of the best descriptions of a prophet's message and God's desire for us through them. God warns His people about possible future judgment as a…