On this Mother's day we looked at a desperate mom, a Gentile (Canaanite) woman whose daughter is demon-possessed. She hears Jesus is in her town [Tyre] an unpopular place for…
Paul gives one more argument against Law-keeping by using Hagar/Ishamel and Sarah/Isaac as an illustration of why a performance-based, Law-keeping way to get to God doesn't work. Even Abraham and…
These two psalms form an amazing lament and prayer by the author who was going through a calamity, praying for God to 'restore things to normal'. What a timely message…
When the angel army sang at Jesus' birth, they proclaimed 'Glory to God in the highest and peace to men [and women] on whom His favour rests.' what did they…
Paul continues to express his frustration with those believers in Galatia who were talked into trying to obey the Law again. He explains that God's plan has always been salvation…
The Old Testament is crucial to affirming the validity of the New Testament - that's how God's Word works. Jesus fulfilled the Mosaic Law (not the Old Testament) and we…
Jesus heals a man born blind (John 9) which results in the unhappiness of the religious leaders. Jesus accuses them of being thieves and wolves who rob the sheep of…
While we've been looking at the examples that Jesus left for us, as humans, to do what He did, Jesus also came because of things we can not do. Hebrews…