The More Excellent Way – 1 Cor. 13

In this well-known chapter on love, Paul tackles the attitude one must have when using our spiritual gifts. Do we use the to impress people or serve people? There's a…

The Holy Spirit Wants to Use You – Luke 1:1-25

In Luke's accounts of the births of John and Jesus, the Holy Spirit is significantly involved. What can we learn about the Spirit from these passages? How does He want…

One Body, Many Parts; All are Needed – 1 Cor. 12:12-31

Paul digs deep at the Corinthians' pride over tongues by emphasizing the purpose of all gifts - unity - and the need for every part of the body to be…

When Personal Liberty Becomes Idolatry – 1 Cor. 10:14-11:1

Here Paul wraps up his teaching on how to navigate through the grey areas in our Christian walk. He uses communion as an illustration about who we identify with. God…

The Powerful Witness of a Changed Life – 1 Cor. 7:10-24

Paul answers more questions about marriage. Particularly from new believers wondering if they should leave their unsaved spouses? Or slaves leave their unsaved masters? Or Jewish believers abandoning their Jewishness? …

What is a Church? 1 Corinthians 1:1-9

Using his introduction to the Corinthians, Paul illustrates what for him is what a solid biblical church should look like. The Corinthian church was very problematic and so Paul focuses…

Witness to the Lamb – John 1:29-42

March 24, 2024
When John says of Jesus 'Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world', He is not quoting any Old Testament verse but rather is summarizing…

Our Suffering Saviour – Isaiah 52:13-53:12

March 17, 2024
The clearest passage in the Old Testament about Jesus' suffering on the cross is also the most neglected passage in the Bible - especially by Jewish people who are instructed…