Paul and Barnabas move inland and use the Jewish synagogues as their landing pad to preach the gospel - with mixed reception. However, some believe and we learn what to…
The church in Antioch senses the Spirit's leading and sends out Barnabas and Paul to reach Gentiles for Jesus. The sail for Barnabas' home (Cyprus) where Paul leads the governor…
In Acts 11 Peter recounts his time spent with Cornelius, the Gentile Centurion, who came to faith in Christ. As Peter explains how God led him through this, the church…
Peter describes believers as aliens and strangers in 1 Pet. 2:11-12. What does he mean by that? From God's perspective, as citizens of heaven, we no longer 'belong' here yet…
Paul calls us citizens of heaven and challenges us to show by our life that we are. Since Jesus is our King, we must demonstrate to this world that we…
Hanukkah recalls a great victory from Israel's past from a tyrannical ruler. Amazingly, God predicted this ruler would come and torment Israel in Daniel 8 and 11. Yet when Jesus…
Nahum is a sequel to Jonah really. God extended His grace to the Assyrians in Jonah - who temporarily repented - but eventually they returned to their wicked ways. Now…
Peter is called by God to reach out to a Gentile. God has to change Peter's attitude towards Gentiles who need Jesus just as much as anyone. What attitudes do…