Paul answers more questions about marriage. Particularly from new believers wondering if they should leave their unsaved spouses? Or slaves leave their unsaved masters? Or Jewish believers abandoning their Jewishness? …
Paul now addresses questions the Corinthian church had for him. Not surprisingly, they had questions about marriage. Paul challenges them to think about marriage as a gift from God but…
Here Paul confronts the problem of sexual immorality in the church - sad state of affairs! Sadly, the culture was so obsessed with sex that new believers were initially unaware…
Paul deals with a sad incident in the church and 'judges' them for their lack of biblical confrontation in love. Biblical judging is necessary at times when the testimony of…
Paul finishes confronting the main issue of division in the church; preferences of teachers. Paul confronts their judgmental attitudes and we can learn from this also.
Paul challenges the Corinthians to stop using their differences as measuring tools of their spirituality! It actually revealed their immaturity. Instead, look at the differences in people and celebrate it…
Paul talks about biblical wisdom as opposed to the wisdom the Corinthian culture that these believers ad allowed to mix into their theology. Paul says, believers are the wisest people…
When John says of Jesus 'Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world', He is not quoting any Old Testament verse but rather is summarizing…
Paul tells us if we want to show how Jesus lives in us we need to remove old sinful habits and replace them with positive Spirit-filled habits. How do we…
Paul continues in vv.7-18 to defend his ministry. He does that by declaring how God changes lives through the Word as he shared it. Paul's 'credentials' are the changed lives…