The disciples ask Jesus about signs of His coming in Matt. 24. Surprisingly, Jesus answers them! And if Jesus tells us what signs to look for then we should have…
Daniel receives detailed information through an answer to prayer from Gabriel. In this answer Daniel is reassured by God that God's program for Israel will take longer to finish than…
Daniel 9 is the foundation for future prophecy. Without a proper and literal interpretation it makes little sense. Without understanding Daniel 9 properly, Revelation makes little sense.
Paul has to defend himself from character attacks from those who hate him(?) and think they are better 'apostles'. Paul's defense is God's defense. He lets his lifestyle and Jesus…
In this passage God commanded the king of Israel when he takes 'office' that number one on his agenda each day is to write out and read God's Word. Why…
Maintaining a 'things above' attitude will make for healthier relationships. Paul wants to deal with an unhealthy relationship in the church at Philippi and he does it by reminding everyone…