Jesus moves from laying up treasures in heaven to not worrying about our basic needs in life (food, clothing) because most of his listeners were poor people who lived day…
Jesus continues to speak on the theme of 'rewards' but God's rewards are not found in the things of this world but in Himself and His purposes for us. The…
Jesus picks up on the idea of reward from ch. 5 and speaks to people not to practice their spirituality like the hypocritical Pharisees who do it for man's approval.…
Jesus speaks to the people about their need to get rid of this 'eye for eye' retaliation attitude when insulted or hurt. Instead He says, respond in kindness and service.…
Jesus tells us not to bother with oaths, rather just be honest with our speech. When we use deceptive speech Jesus calls it 'evil'. In what ways is our little…
Just as Jesus said 'murder' was about the hatred in our heart towards another image bearer of God, so also 'adultery' is about lusting in our heart for someone who…
Jesus begins to reveal how the Pharisees 'lowered the bar' on the Word of God. Just because you didn't actually murder someone doesn't mean you obeyed the commandment 'Do not…
Jesus challenges the people to obey all the Word of God and have a righteousness that surpasses the Pharisees? The people had been misled for many years by the Pharisees…
The last 2 beatitudes deal with peacemaking and persecution. When we initiate the need for peace in conflicts we are like Jesus Himself. But it is not always received well…