Paul concludes his epistle to the Galatian churches with one final appeal to follow the gospel of grace and not go back to the Law. He appeals to them by…
Paul starts winding down his letter but not before one more appeal to those heading towards the Law, away from the gospel. Consider what you are sowing because you reap…
Paul moves beyond comparing the benefits of the gospel over the Law to how to enjoy freedom in the Holy Spirit, without resorting to licentiousness. The key is, are we…
On this Mother's day we looked at a desperate mom, a Gentile (Canaanite) woman whose daughter is demon-possessed. She hears Jesus is in her town [Tyre] an unpopular place for…
Paul gives one more attempt to rescue his readers from going back to the Law - a performance-based system of approaching God that no longer was necessary because of Jesus'…
Paul gives one more argument against Law-keeping by using Hagar/Ishamel and Sarah/Isaac as an illustration of why a performance-based, Law-keeping way to get to God doesn't work. Even Abraham and…
Jesus encounters the Samaritan woman at the well and shows the disciples that the people we least expect are interested in God and Jesus. We need to believe the same…
Psalm 110 is unique in that it is a prophetic psalm about the coming of the Messiah. On Palm Sunday Jesus arrived with great expectation, the people anticipating that he…