The Book of Hosea is all about the amazing love of God. God uses the prophet Hosea who is commanded to marry a prostitute and love her as God loves…
In the second half of Ps. 22, David turns from crying out to god for deliverance to thanking guide for answering his prayer and vowing to worship Gpd with God's…
David' suffering takes on greater depth as Jesus identifies literally with the way David describes his suffering in metaphorical language. Whatever was happening to him, we know Jesus used David's…
Rev. Mark Kotchapaw preaching
Peter writes about how the Old testament prophets looked carefully in the Scriptures for the sufferings and the glories of Christ. Which we live long after now. They would have…
The disciples ask Jesus about signs of His coming in Matt. 24. Surprisingly, Jesus answers them! And if Jesus tells us what signs to look for then we should have…
Paul warns Timothy about what to expect the world will be like in the "last days" as we get closet to Jesus' return. The key in all this is for…
Daniel receives detailed information through an answer to prayer from Gabriel. In this answer Daniel is reassured by God that God's program for Israel will take longer to finish than…
Daniel 9 is the foundation for future prophecy. Without a proper and literal interpretation it makes little sense. Without understanding Daniel 9 properly, Revelation makes little sense.
As we continue our 'Things Above' theme for 2023. This week we want to look at how God wants us to love the world the way He does. So often…
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