Hezekiah faces a difficult trial as Assyria comes and threatens Jerusalem and insults Israel's God. What to do? Hezekiah takes practical steps in defending Jerusalem but more importantly calls on…
One of Judah's better kings, Hezekiah took the throne and had to undo all the spiritual damage that his father Ahaz had caused. Hezekiah knew he couldn't move forward with…
Uzziah was one of Israel's best kings but he made one huge mistake; he thought he could approach God without a mediator. We are all separated before God because of…
Joash served God well when he had a godly influencer in his life. But when this person died Joash allowed the wrong people to influence him. How about us? Who…
One of Israel's better kings, Jehoshaphat firmly believed that the nation needed to be taught God's Word if they were going to obey Him. He modeled trust in God during…
King Asa leads Judah to peace and wellness in the land because he sought the Lord through faithful worship. Asa worked on removing the idols from his life and Judah's…
King Abijah of Judah challenges his northern counterpart, King Jeroboam of Israel to return to true worship of God and dispense with idolatry. Jeroboam attacks Abijah and Judah regardless but…
In this first message on the Good Kings in Chronicles, we explore what God first told Moses what Israel was to look for in choosing a king, and what God…
God reminds Israel what future promises He has in store for them.And if they are worried about their enemies He also reminds them of what's in store for those who…
Now God reminds Israel what He has promised them; what's in store for them if they repent and turn back to Him.