Nick and Katelynn Bateman were with us sharing about God's call on their life to work with First Nations people in Manitoulin Island. Working with C2C Network, the Batemans will…
In our Christmas series, "For unto us a Child is Born" we are focusing on the humanity of Jesus. Why did the Son of God need to become one of…
On Remembrance Day we remember the past sacrifices of our nation's armed forces praying that there would be peace in the future. The best way they demonstrate that is to…
Jesus rebuked His disciples who tried to shoo away the children whose parents wanted to come to Jesus. Jesus believed in training up disciples as early as possible. This passage…
After Jesus finished the Sermon on the Mount people were "amazed" at His teaching and the crowds increased after it! But large crowds doesn't mean everyone is on board with…
Jesus wraps up His message from the mountain by calling His readers and listeners to make a choice; what he had to say (backed by God's Word) or what the…
Jesus issues a new challenge to His hearers. While He's been warning them about the Pharisees' misleading teaching, He here warns them don;t be like them and be a critical…
Jesus moves from laying up treasures in heaven to not worrying about our basic needs in life (food, clothing) because most of his listeners were poor people who lived day…
Jesus continues to speak on the theme of 'rewards' but God's rewards are not found in the things of this world but in Himself and His purposes for us. The…
Jesus picks up on the idea of reward from ch. 5 and speaks to people not to practice their spirituality like the hypocritical Pharisees who do it for man's approval.…