Early in His ministry Jesus preaches a message in His hometown of Nazareth where He declares that the the favourable year of the Lord has arrived through Himself as prophesied…
Continuing from last week, Jesus shows us three ways we can bear much fruit. Abide in Him. Abide in His Words. Abide in His love. What does each one mean?
As the Vine, Jesus wants to stay connected to His people and pour His Spirit into us. Not just a once at salvation thing, but a lifetime of pouring into…
Jesus shows us in the miracle of the feeding 5000+ people that He needs our help and want to use us in serving God together. What can we learn hear…
The Sermon on the Mount is Jesus' challenge to His listeners to stop being pressured by the religious leaders' definition of spiritual maturity. "Don't be like them" Jesus says. So…
Based on our 2020 theme, 'Open our Eyes' we will be spending the summer in the Gospels t challenge each of us to 'See as Jesus Sees'. Here in Matthew…
Paul concludes his epistle to the Galatian churches with one final appeal to follow the gospel of grace and not go back to the Law. He appeals to them by…
Paul starts winding down his letter but not before one more appeal to those heading towards the Law, away from the gospel. Consider what you are sowing because you reap…
Paul moves beyond comparing the benefits of the gospel over the Law to how to enjoy freedom in the Holy Spirit, without resorting to licentiousness. The key is, are we…
On this Mother's day we looked at a desperate mom, a Gentile (Canaanite) woman whose daughter is demon-possessed. She hears Jesus is in her town [Tyre] an unpopular place for…
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