Matt. 2:13-23 reads like a travelogue of Joseph and Mary and the Child's movements as God guides them away from Herod and harm, to finally get them back to Nazareth…
As Joseph and Mary arrive in Bethlehem, she gives birth to Jesus and God speaks to the shepherds who understand the implications of the surroundings of Jesus' birth better than…
As we trace the events in Bethlehem recorded in the Scripture, we find Bethlehem becomes a place of hope. Hope for the nation of Israel as their choice of king…
God did not leave Jacob or Naomi in their places of sorrow but used their suffering as place in which He could restore them to blessing. Jacob, as hurt as…
Why was Jesus born in Bethlehem? For many reasons as we'll see during Advent. The first three times Bethlehem appears in the Bible, a tragedy occurs there. Why is this…
Micah concludes his message repenting on behalf of the nation. He confesses the sins of the leaders but also grabs hold of the hope Israel has even after exile because…
Here in Micah 6 God confronts the nation as a court case. The charges of sin against His covenant are laid, the evidence produced and a judgment is announced. Perhaps…
Micah 5 continues God's promises to Israel, who will experience a temporary setback, but can look forward to the day of Israel's restoration under their Messiah. How will God bring…
Micah moves from judgment to hope in Ch. 4. God never announces judgment without offering hope. While temporary discipline will take place, ultimately God has a plan to bless those…
Paul commands disciples of Jesus to think above things not below; to live the changed life not the way we used to walk before salvation. Four times in vv.15-17 Paul…
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