John the Baptist is absent from our Nativity creches yet he is essential to the birth of Jesus. John had to come before Jesus. What can we learn about John's…
Hanukkah recalls a great victory from Israel's past from a tyrannical ruler. Amazingly, God predicted this ruler would come and torment Israel in Daniel 8 and 11. Yet when Jesus…
If God tells us to "number our days aright" and Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow, perhaps God only expects us to live for Him one day at…

Joshua 6

November 7, 2021
Guest speaker Rev. Terry Gerow
Nahum is a sequel to Jonah really. God extended His grace to the Assyrians in Jonah - who temporarily repented - but eventually they returned to their wicked ways. Now…
God continues to speak through Nahum the prophet concerning Assyria's coming downfall. He uses many wordplays and references to King Ashurbanipal's cruel treatment of people to bring charges of injustice…
The book of Nahum is a small, not well known book in the prophets that deals with judgment against the Assyrians. God graciously sent Jonah to preach repentance to the…
Solomon pursues the meaning of life in Ecclesiastes. When he looks at life "under the sun" he doesn't see purpose but when he looks at life from god's perspective he…
The historical feast of Tabernacles focuses on Israel's end of harvest season celebration and reflection on God's provision during the 40 years in the wilderness. Prophetically, Tabernacles points forward to…
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