Our theme this year is 'Citizens of Heaven'. This morning we look at Abraham living as an alien and stranger in the land of Canaan, where God said it would…
Jesus' prayer the might before He dies is based on the fact that the resurrection will happen. If the resurrection doesn't happen, the things Jesus prayed for won't happen. We…
Jesus wants to prepare His disciples for persecution. He warns them that people will hate them and possibly even kill them. Why? We'll learn why and also how to react…
Jesus uses the analogy of a vine and a branches to describe His closeness to His followers. But He also chose that to help them understand that without 'remaining' in…
Jesus assures His disciples that even though He is physically leaving He is not spiritually departing. He will send the Spirit who will be with them and in them. This…
With Judas gone Jesus can share things with His disciples that He couldn't say with judas present. The disciples are 'troubled' by Jesus' statement that one will betray Him and…
Paul and Barnabas continue preaching the gospel with various responses: indifference, opposition, even persecution {Paul is stoned]. But also, some respond to the grace of God. In spite of our…
Paul and Barnabas move inland and use the Jewish synagogues as their landing pad to preach the gospel - with mixed reception. However, some believe and we learn what to…
The church in Antioch senses the Spirit's leading and sends out Barnabas and Paul to reach Gentiles for Jesus. The sail for Barnabas' home (Cyprus) where Paul leads the governor…
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