Paul continues his ministry in Ephesus that results in business leaders being upset because sales are down on idols to do converts to the gospel. People get angry at the…
In Acts 19 we see the power of the Word of God changing many people's lives. If this is the same Word today, can God still change lives through it?…
Paul concludes his 2nd missionary trip entrusting the work he started in the hands of others. Paul needed to be reminded that Jesus said He would build His church and…
Paul needs encouragement at a difficult time in his ministry and God does it in numerous amazing ways. New workers, returned workers, 'saved' by a government ruler and has the…
Paul says the gospel frees us from legalistic approaches to God based on works.
We explore the challenges Paul had in Athens tp sharing Christ with his culture and glean helpful hints as to how we can share Christ in ours
'The Prodigal Son' is a misnomer. The parable is about their father. How the father lovingly forgives BOTH sons for their rebellion. One asks forgiveness but does the other? And…
While in Thessalonica Paul preached in the synagogue for 3 sabbaths with some success. However, many Jews were upset and ran him out of town. Even following him to his…
In this chapter we see the variety of different people reached with the gospel as well as the different ways people are threatened by the gospel (including the enemy). If…
Paul and Silas return to the churches Paul and Barnabas planted on their first mission trip in Ch. 13-14. Paul meets and brings on Timothy and Luke joins them in…