As he closes this section of spiritual gifts, Paul encourages the church to come together in an orderly fashion not a disruptive, whoever-feels-like-speaking fashion. He lays down some sound applicational…
Paul continues to show the benefits of prophesying over tongues for the simple and obvious reason that one is understandable. But the other is more 'exciting'. The Corinthians had a…
Paul challenges the Corinthians to pursue the spiritual gifts that benefit more people - in this case prophecy more than tongues. With the eventual disappearance of the role of prophets…
Pastor Mykah Ramautarsingh preaching this Sunday.
In this well-known chapter on love, Paul tackles the attitude one must have when using our spiritual gifts. Do we use the to impress people or serve people? There's a…
Paul uses our need to change our clothing each day to an analogy for putting ob Christlike qualities that others will see in us.
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reminds us again of the need to love God and love one another. In 7:12 Jesus summarizes that we love one another best…
Jesus had taught that the greatest commandments were to love God and love one another. Now He says to love one another in a new way. What's the new way?
Jesus used the parable of the Good Samaritan to illustrate for a religious leader what loving God and your neighbour looks like. He thought he did love God because he…
Jesus quotes Lev. 19 as part of the greatest commandment. Here we see both loving god and loving others. Let's explore what this passage means and how Jesus wants us…
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