Paul and Barnabas continue preaching the gospel with various responses: indifference, opposition, even persecution {Paul is stoned]. But also, some respond to the grace of God. In spite of our…
Paul and Barnabas move inland and use the Jewish synagogues as their landing pad to preach the gospel - with mixed reception. However, some believe and we learn what to…
The church in Antioch senses the Spirit's leading and sends out Barnabas and Paul to reach Gentiles for Jesus. The sail for Barnabas' home (Cyprus) where Paul leads the governor…
James is arrested and killed by Herod. Peter is arrested and Herod's plan is to kill Peter. But after the Passover, which Herod attends and appears to celebrate with Israel…
In Acts 11 Peter recounts his time spent with Cornelius, the Gentile Centurion, who came to faith in Christ. As Peter explains how God led him through this, the church…
As Peter responds to God's leading to go to Caesarea and meet Cornelius, he then understands that god wants him to share Christ with Cornelius and his family. To Peter…
Peter is called by God to reach out to a Gentile. God has to change Peter's attitude towards Gentiles who need Jesus just as much as anyone. What attitudes do…
The scene shifts from Paul back to Peter who ventures beyond Jerusalem for a change and is led to Lydda and Joppa. He heals people at these places and the…
As Paul begins his life as a believer, the same zeal he had against Christians now becomes for Christ. Paul still has 'baggage' and is not readily accepted. However, once…