Paul continues in vv.7-18 to defend his ministry. He does that by declaring how God changes lives through the Word as he shared it. Paul's 'credentials' are the changed lives…
Paul has to defend his authority to preach the gospel because false teachers claiming to have similar authority have infiltrated the Corinthian church. How did Paul defend himself against false…
Paul doesn't thank god for the Christians until he has finished praising God for the blessings of salvation in 1:3-14! How does God's grace shape Paul's praying?
Paul's enthusiasm for the blessings of the gospel fills the intro of Ephesians before he even thanks God for them! Why is being 'in Christ' such a blessing and source…
Our theme for 2024 is 'In Christ'. This is Paul's favourite expression to describe believers. Not Christians. Not disciples. But those 'in Christ'. What does that mean for us who…
In Matthew Ch.2, Jesus is referred to simply as 'the child' nine times. Why would God want Jesus to be referred to this way? Is it because through this we…