The first words Jesus publicly communicated was 'Repent for the kingdom of heaven has come near.' Why was that so important?How has the kingdom arrived and how are we still…
The Bible tells us that Jesus 'lives to intercede for us' at the Father's right hand. If we could hear what Jesus prays for us wouldn't that change the way…
The sermon focused on Phil. 2:5-11 and Jesus' example of humble service. Here in Romans 15:1-13 we look at what that looks like in our relationships with one another.
The apostle Paul wrote from prison to encourage the Christians there who were suffering for their faith. He showed them how Jesus endured it even though He was the Son…
God spoke audibly three times during Jesus' ministry, each time affirming His identity. On the Mt. of Transfiguration God commanded us to 'Listen to Him'. Why must we listen to…
Jeremiah tells us that the Messiah will rule on this world one day in the future. Are we ready for that? Just as God's Word made detailed prophecies about Jesus'…
What would it have been like to have been at Jesus' birth or some other miraculous event in Jesus' ministry? Would that result in our having a stronger faith? Experiences…
Daniel was given a revelation of the time of Jesus' appearance on earth by none other than the same Gabriel that would appear to Zecharias, Mary and Joseph! God gave…