Paul has been appealing to the Galatians not to go back to keeping the Law using biblical, logical and theological arguments. Now he appeals to their hearts. He reminds them…
Paul continues to defend the gospel and try to help these confused believers who have been persuaded to go back to the Law. Paul now uses an analogy from Roman…
As we observe the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, we look at 1 Tim. 6:11-16. Here Timothy was told by Paul to 'hold on to eternal life'…
Paul continues to express his frustration with those believers in Galatia who were talked into trying to obey the Law again. He explains that God's plan has always been salvation…
The apostle Paul continues defending his apostleship and the gospel here when he recounts the incident when he had to rebuke Peter. Peter had been pressured by Jewish legalists not…
Paul continues to defend the gospel and his apostleship by showing the Galatians that he received it from Jesus and not from man. He spent very little time with the…
As Paul gives his defense of how he got 'his gospel' he uses his testimony to show when and where he received the truth. Paul's testimony might be different than…
Paul begins his letter to the Galatians with a rebuke; why are they changing the grace of God for legalism. There is always the danger to 'add' to the gospel…
Be still and know I am God was written and sung in the context of experiencing a great military defeat in Israel's past. The sons of Korah - experiencers of…