Paul gives leadership to a scared crew of sailors, guards and prisoners as they run aground on the island of Malta. What bolsters Paul's faith as he faces this scary…
As Paul defends his 'case' before Governor Festus and Herod Agrippa, he gives us own testimony, which is how God worked in his life. Our testimonies are God's story in…
As Paul prepares to give another defense against the Jews false charges against him, we see through the Roman and Jewish leaders a number of things we need to be…
Paul was on trial now with Governor Felix. Felix's unwillingness to truly listen to Paul's defense and was more inclined to humour the Jews. But God oversaw Paul's life and…
Jeremiah writes a letter to Jewish exiles who have to live in Babylon for 70 years ( a lifetime). How is this part of God's 'prosperous and future' plans for…
In this section Paul returns to Jerusalem with mixed reception. The leaders of the church welcome him and praise the Lord for the gospel's success with Gentiles. But the Jewish…
Paul makes his way back to Jerusalem but along the way he gets numerous affirmations that should he go to Jerusalem he will suffer because of the gospel. Some believers…
Paul has (what he thinks) are his final words to the Ephesian leaders. Pau believes he will die soon and the Ephesians get that. It's a tearful farewell and Paul…
God prepares the Israelites to enter the Promised Land by assuring them that He will go ahead of them and guide them because 'you have never been this way before'…