Movie Night, “Sight”- 7:00 pm
Olivet Baptist Church 30 Church St., Westport, ON, CanadaWhen a blind orphan arrives in his waiting room seeking a miracle, a world-renowned eye surgeon must confront his past--and draw on the resilience he gained growing up in China during the Cultural Revolution--to try to restore her sight.
Bible Study and Prayer Meeting, 7:00 pm
Olivet Baptist Church 30 Church St., Westport, ON, CanadaEach Wednesday night we meet in the church to study God's Word and pray. It is also available on Zoom for those wishing to do so from home. Email the church for zoom invite.
Ladies’ Bible Study
Olivet Baptist Church 30 Church St., Westport, ON, CanadaOn Friday afternoons at 2:30 pm, the ladies are invited to come to the church for a study in Proverbs entitled "Wise Words". Please see Rosanna if you are interested.
Men’s Bible Study on Philippians & breakfast, 8:00 am
Olivet Baptist Church 30 Church St., Westport, ON, CanadaAll men 16+ are welcome to breakfast and join our studies on the letter of Philippians. Breakfast at 8, coffee on at 7:30.
Sunday School, 9:30 am
Olivet Baptist Church 30 Church St., Westport, ON, CanadaWe will start a new series on the book of Nehemiah
Sunday Worship Service, 10:30 am
Olivet Baptist Church 30 Church St., Westport, ON, CanadaHere in 1 Corinthians 15:12-20, Paul challenges those who doubt a physical resurrection. A lot is at stake here if you doubt we will rise. Jesus rose, guaranteeing our future resurrection. If you take that away, you take everything away
Board of Management Meeting, 7:00 pm
Olivet Baptist Church 30 Church St., Westport, ON, CanadaOnce a month our Board and Pastor meet to discuss the needs of the finances, church building, manse and cemetery. We seek to be good stewards of God's resources and how we can manage them to the glory of God.
Ladies’ Learning to Pray
Olivet Baptist Church 30 Church St., Westport, ON, CanadaAll women are invited once a month to come and learn what the Bible says about prayer and then to spend some time putting that into practice.
Deacon’s Meeting, 6:30 pm
Olivet Baptist Church 30 Church St., Westport, ON, CanadaOnce a month our Pastor and deacons meet to study, pray and to discern the needs of our church family and how we can grow and reach our community with the gospel.