Grace is God's initiative to reach out to us who don;t deserve Him due to sin. Paul sees grace everywhere as he opens his letter to the Ephesians. Grace fuels…
A  follow up to the sermon "The Word of God Alone", we explored one f the most amazing passages in the Bible about the Bible - Psalm 119. Just focusing…
Apostle Paul sais in 1 Thes. 5:16-18 to give thanks in all circumstances.How can we do that?Having a healthy adoration and worship of God helps. We explore this psalm to…
The way in which Josiah celebrated the Passover gives us a pattern to follow in celebrating communion and our own salvation.
Manasseh's story of salvation is amazing in 2 Chronicles 33 and some of us may be able to relate to it. But some of us can relate our stories to…
Moses prays that we would count our days. How do we do that and how do we make our days count for God?
One of the Kohathites, privileged to carry the Tabernacle furniture, led a rebellion of 250 men against Moses and Aaron. What can we learn from this incident about appreciating the…
The fuller account of the Assyrian threat on Israel. Hezekiah turns to the Lord as well as strengthens Israel's defenses. A good balance on how to trust God in difficulties.

King Ahaz was one of Judah's worst kings yet God showed him amazing grace.