Paul tells u how to live in an ungodly government but we also need to pray for our leaders. Here's a number of passages which helps us do that.
Paul expands on 12:1-2 by showing what living sacrifices look like on a practical level.
The 'Therefore' of Rom. 12:1 points back at all the mercies God has shown to us to point us forward to how they should change the way we live.
What excatly is the Greatest commandment and how are we to obey it?
This study looks to define what the Kingdom of God is and what we should be looking for now and in the future.
The sermon focused on Phil. 2:5-11 and Jesus' example of humble service. Here in Romans 15:1-13 we look at what that looks like in our relationships with one another.
A little more indepth study on Jesus' transfiguration.
Zechariah's prayer for a child was also God's answer to Israel's prayer for the Messiah to come.
Apostle Paul sais in 1 Thes. 5:16-18 to give thanks in all circumstances.How can we do that?Having a healthy adoration and worship of God helps. We explore this psalm to…
The way in which Josiah celebrated the Passover gives us a pattern to follow in celebrating communion and our own salvation.